Belonging Matters holds a number of events throughout the year to inspire, inform and build the capacity of people with a disability, families, allies, workers and professionals to enable people with disabilities to enjoy personally fulfilling and valued lives in the community. These include seminars, workshops, a bi annual retreat for families and various leadership events.

Upcoming Events and Workshops

Harnessing Networks to
Find Employment
Online Workshop
Wednesday 18th September 2024
10am to12 noon
About The Presenter
Milton Tyree
Milton Tyree has more than 40 years of experience in designing, developing, and providing support and services centered on people with intellectual disabilities having access to valued aspects of everyday life. The primary focus of his work has been addressing the ongoing struggle around people with intellectual disabilities having good ives and employment.
Over the years Milton's work has been influenced by Marc Gold & Associates (MG&A) and Social Role Valorisation Association. He is a retired project director of the University of Kentucky's Human Development Institute.
Milton continues part-time work focused on supported employment leadership development in Kentucky and employment consulting in other states and internationally.
What is this Webinar About?
People with developmental disability are significantly underrepresented when it comes to paid work in open employment and are often excluded from the many benefits that employment can provide.
Many people use and rely on their networks and connections to find employment however, this approach is not well used when it comes to supporting people with developmental disabilities to find employment.
Customised Employment is a unique and highly effective process in assisting people with disabilities to achieve employment outcomes. An important step in the Customised Employment process is inviting a network of people who are well connected to the community to an Employment Planning Meeting. Using broad networks can be a powerful aid in planning for, identifying and opening doors to employment opportunities that will have a greater likelihood of success.
Further Information - or (03) 9739 8333

My Home, My Way
8 and 15 October 2024
10am to1pm
About The Presenters

Fiona Read
is Mike’s sister. Mike has lived in a home of his own for 9 years and lives with housemates. It hasn’t always been that way. Fiona will share some of what it took to get there; including visioning,
circle of support planning and practical assistance. She shares how her family supported Mike to go beyond other people
’s perceptions of what was possible for her brother and create a home in which he

Teresa Micallef
has always chosen to work at the cutting edge of change in community, and has worked alongside people with disabilities and their families for nearly 30 years. She was the Co-ordinator of a family-governed group called Living Distinctive Lives for 9 years, many of whom had circles of support and Teresa assisted them to move into their own homes. Currently, as the Project Manager of Building Community Networks (Circles of Support Facilitation) she continues to be impressed by the power, creativity and resilience of people who experience disability, their families and networks. She sees firsthand the incredible impact engaging positively with a person’s Circle of Support has, and how it can lead to creating a good life and safeguarding the future.

Deb Rouget
is the CEO of Belonging Matters. For over 30 years, she has been involved in the lives of people with a disability with an intellectual disability and their families. Deb has witnessed how people flourish when they are supported to authentically pursue valued roles and connect to their neighbourhood. Many years ago, Deb instigated the Building Community Networks project at Belonging Matters which facilitates Circles of Support. She has found that Circles of Support provide an important safeguard for the future and are a way to invite more people into a person’s life who are not paid to be there.
What is this Webinar About?
Home is a vital part of our lives. It not only provides us with security, privacy, comfort and control but it reflects our identity, our adulthood and our deep sense of who we are and how we connect and belong in our neighbourhood. Yet for many people, particularly with intellectual disability and autism, home is designed by others with little control over the decisions that most people take for granted. In this webinar series, through the journey of others, we will explore individualised and innovative ways that people with a disability have created their own home, while getting the support they need.
In these practical and down to earth sessions we will explore some of the essential elements of individualised, supported living, a range of home options and creative supports, including Homeshare.
Further Information - or (03) 9739 8333
Previous Events
To view details of previous Belonging Matters Events click on one of these links: