Dreams of My Own Home turn into Reality
This is the story of my son, Cameron’s journey to a happy, independent and meaningful life.
Prior to June 2004 Cam was a 26 year old man spending the majority of his time in his bedroom listening to music. Since finishing high school at the local secondary college, end of 1995, he had not been able to obtain regular meaningful work. And by the time he was 23 or 24 he had lost his enthusiasm and was becoming reclusive. His dad, Greg, and I were very concerned about his mental and physical health, trying to think of ways to help him out of this situation. We tried many options, most were a disaster
In 2001 I was fortunate to be invited by a manager at the Department of Human Services (DHS), Traralgon office to hear some speakers. This is a day I will never forget because it resulted in the most significant change in my thinking, which was to result in a huge transformation in Cameron’s life. The speakers were: Deb Rouget (PLA), Michael Kendrick and a parent. They told us stories about people with disability getting a more meaningful life and following typical pathways. We learned about young people getting jobs that they liked and enjoyed doing. Planning to move into their own homes and follow their interests.
On that day I learned that it was possible, to turn your dreams into reality. With planning and vision Cameron could have a good life. This was the beginning of a very exciting, and at times stressful period for my family.